Sunday, September 30, 2012

Your advice for October 2012 - Feng Shui Astrology

Running from 8th?October 2012 - 7th?November?2012 we have the double Heaven Star where the energy of this month matches the energy of the year and, because its ruling element is Metal that means focus, focus and more focus.? You'll experience authority: either giving or receiving it.? Rules and responsibilities will also be high on the agenda.

Add the Wood element to the?East sector of your home this month to improve creativity, opportunties and finances.? Focus for relationships and romance should be on the North. Happy couple pictures here or pairs of ornaments will work well here for this month.

This month's NO GO days are:

  • 10th October
  • 22nd October
  • 3rd November
NO GO days are those where the energy is not favourable for all stars so it's best to avoid important occassions if at all possible. The Chinese call these 'Go Fishing' days!

To understand this advice you must know your I Ching Astrology Birth Star which you can calculate by clicking the 'Find your Star' tab above.? Overall Stars for the year can be found by clicking the 2012 Stars tab above. And, if you'd like to find out a little more about the energy of this month using a combination of Feng Shui Astroloy and Tarot then have a look at my You Tube channel or click on the video showing on the left of this page.

1 Water
You are going to get notice this month Water Star.? I know you often like to work behind the scenes but that's just not going to happen so make everything you do transparent.? Oh, and this month is going to be fast and quick so hold onto your hat.
Best days for Romance: 14th October, 23rd October & 1st November
Best days for Luck:? 16th?October?&?25th October

2 Earth
This month is ideal to plan, to rest, to focus on your intuition and to step in and arbitrate where you're needed.? You often focus on others over yourself Earth Star and you can still do that but treat yourself as well as you treat others. The energy is suggesting you do that.
Best days for Romance: 13th October & 31st October
Best days for Luck:? 15th October, 24th October?& 2nd November

3 Thunder
Another frustrating month for you Thunder Star.? You're still feeling bogged down. You need to act and move but the energy around you is particularly heavy (for a Thunder Star at least).? Focus your energy on relationships as much as you can.
Best days for Romance: 12th October, 21st October & 30th October
Best days for Luck:? 14th?October, 23rd October?&?1st November

4 Wind
Wind Star you have so much ooomph at the moment.? Not only is your creativity in overdrive with so many ideas, which is fairly normal for a Wind Star,?but you also have the motivation to put some of them into action.
Best days for Romance: 11th October, 20th October, 29th October & 7th November
Best days for Luck:? 13th?October?&?31st October

5 Tai Chi
Tai Chi you may be surprised at your creativity but lack the ability to fine tune ideas and plan how to make them a reality.? Keep notes, the time will come when you can do that - just not yet.
Best days for Romance: 19th October, 28th October & 6th November
Best days for Luck:??12th?October, 21st October?&?30th?October

6 Heaven
Everybody's looking to you Heaven Star.? You can draw the right people to you this month but you can also draw the wrong people to you too! If that's the case just tactfully redirect them.
Best days for Romance: 9th October, 18th October, 27th October & 5th November
Best days for Luck:? 11th October,?20th October, 29th?October?&?7th November

7 Lake
Responsibility is still burdening you Lake Star. Not just this month but this year has been a time of growth and progress. It may seem like hard work but you are maturing in so many ways with the challenges coming into your life.
Best days for Romance: 8th October, 17th October, 26th October & 4th November
Best days for Luck:? 19th October,?28th October?&?6th November

8 Mountain
Sometimes the mountain, however stubborn, has to make the move and that time is now Mountain Star. You may not be keen to do what's being asked of you but try not to resist. The term 'Go with the Flow' doesn't sit easy with you but it really is the best thing to do at the moment.
Best days for Romance: 16th October & 25th October
Best days for Luck:? 9th October,?18th October, 27th?October?&?5th November

9 Fire
It's not as bright as you like it Fire Star.? Take care with communication of all sorts as what you say could be misinterpreted. The main message to you is 'Patience'.? Practise it often.
Best days for Romance: 15th October, 24th October & 2nd November
Best days for Luck:? 8th?October, 17th October, 26th October?& 4th November

If you are interested in a personal reading or would like more information on Feng Shui, Feng Shui Astrology, Date Selection or any of my other services visit my?main website:

Until next month enjoy your unique form of energy.


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