Tuesday, September 18, 2012

YKYLMXXX Relationship Thread

You Know You Love Me. XXX.

Following the death of one of their classmates, the students of Langdon's Correctional Education Facility begin receiving texts and IMs from her phone and online profile. Is the prank of some twisted hacker, or is it really the spirit of their classmate?


Game Masters:

This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?You Know You Love Me. XXX.?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
This is the relationship thread for all of the characters. You'll write the name of every other character and then put your characters' relationships/opinions with/of each other character, along with a symbol which gives the basic gist of the relationship.
The symbols are:
? (Romantic Interest)|?(Friends)|? (Neutral)|? (Enemies)


Last edited by RoseAmedori on Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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? (Romantic Interest)|?(Friends)|? (Neutral)|? (Enemies)

  • Jay Springs:
  • Emma Nichole Scott: ? "Pure and simple, I love myself. And I have every right to, in my opinion. There's nothing wrong with me...I'm a little loud at times, and I'm a little too forward for some people. But fuck being like how other people want me to be...that's just not how I roll." ?
  • Lissa Marshall: ? "Yeah, we clashed a little when she first came here...she was yippy, annoying and way too fucking happy all the time. But she's different now. She's quiet, and...to be honest, in here, that's kind of a refreshing quality. So we're pretty much friends now. I wouldn't say she's like, a minion, or anything like that...but I do kind of like to guide her a little. To be honest, I think she needs to build a little more confidence and self-esteem. 'Cause the fact is, she's beautiful, both inside and out, which isn't something that I say to a lot of people...and she just needs to let that show. If you believe you're beautiful, other people do, too." ?
  • Zachary James Milburn: ~ "Oh God, him? Ugh. One word to describe that guy...creepy. I caught him watching me in Psychology all the time last term...and I mean literally all term. Every time I looked up, he was just there, staring right at me. And it was one of those piercing stares, too...like you can't tell whether he wants to slice your throat open or you've given him a boner. But once I confronted him about it, he laid off, thank God." ~
  • Jamie Daily:
  • Logan Ritter:
  • Lewis Deacon: ? "Okay, so this dude clearly doesn't like me, for whatever reason. Whether it's because I'm not afraid to say it how it is, or because I'm too loud, or because I can be a bitch, I don't know. But to be honest, I don't really give a shit...he can think what he wants. As far as I'm concerned, he's insignificant in the heirarchy of Langdon." ?
  • Kiera Craton:
  • Greyson Alexander Reid: ? "Funnily enough, I knew Greyson before I transferred to Langdon. We went to the same school, and he started taking Business a year late so he was put into my class. I was pulled out and put into Langdon two months into the course, and he transferred a month later. I used to tease him about it, saying he'd totally followed me because he was obsessed with me, but it was only teasing. In reality, we're pretty good friends now." ?
  • Conall Harrison:
  • Aislin Sinclair: ~ "That's the vampire wannabe chick, right? The one with the fangs? Yeah, well...she seems...interesting. I'll give her that. I don't really have a problem with her, to be honest...although last year I heard from someone that she was in some wierd group and they used to all drink eachother's blood. Which I personally think is fucking disgusting. But...to each his, or her, own, I guess..." ~


? (Romantic Interest)|?(Friends)|? (Neutral)|? (Enemies)

  • Jay Springs:
  • Emma Nichole Scott: ? "Emma took Business with me back in our old school, and we both transferred to Langdon within a month of eachother, so we've known eachother for a while. She can be a little overpowering, and she's a tease, but...she's kind of hot, so I don't mind too much. Although I don't think I'd ever really hook up with her...she's not into me like that, and I'm not into her like that either. We're just good friends." ?
  • Lissa Marshall: ? "While in normal circumstances I would have stayed away from a girl like Lissa, or rather, like how she used to be...there was always something about her that made me want to know her...want to see what she was really like. And we kind of became friends once her wild side had died down and she became more timid. But, I can tell something's really eating her up inside...and sometimes, I wish she'd just let me in more than she does so I can help her feel better about herself. She deserves to." ?
  • Zachary James Milburn: ~ "I think that, while Zac's personality and charisma immediately attract people to him and make him seem like a nice guy, there's something lying there underneath the surface. Nobody knows the reason he was brought into this school, and I plan to find out...but I think he's dangerous." ~
  • Jamie Daily:
  • Logan Ritter:
  • Lewis Deacon: ~ "I don't really spend a lot of time with Lewis, but...I see him through spending time with Lissa, and we'll talk if the social situation requires it. But from what I can tell, he's not a bad guy." ~
  • Kiera Craton:
  • Greyson Alexander Reid: ~ "I think this is a stupid question...I guess I'm...okay, maybe...? I know people think I'm cold and I have no heart, but...I like to think I've grown into a well-rounded individual." ~
  • Conall Harrison:
  • Aislin Sinclair: ~ "Um...I'm a little scared of Aislin, to put it frankly. She's a little too forward and overwhelming for me to handle, and I've heard she bites...like, literally. Um...help?" ~


? (Romantic Interest)|?(Friends)|? (Neutral)|? (Enemies)

  • Jay Springs:
  • Emma Nichole Scott: ~ "I used to find Emma Scott sexy as fuck. And I guess that intimidated her a little. But, I mean...she flirts shamelessly, she radiates confidence, and when she comes to school dressed like she does...well, it can drive a guy crazy. But she basically told me to fuck off in front of everyone when she'd caught me watching her in a lesson after a while, and ever since then I haven't really paid any attention. Poor girl doesn't know what she's missing..." ~
  • Lissa Marshall: ~ "Lissa's cute, but she's a little too plain for me. I like girls with attitude...ones who play hard to get. That being said, I wouldn't waste the opportunity if she was drunk enough, if you know what I mean..." ~
  • Zachary James Milburn: ? "Now who's that sexy-ass motherfucker I can see? Oh, wait...it's me. My bad..." ?
  • Jamie Daily:
  • Logan Ritter:
  • Lewis Deacon: ? "I've heard Lewis likes to start fights, and I don't want any trouble. He's also super protective of his friends, so...I don't think we'll ever get along too great. But, y'know...I just stay out of the guy's way most of the time." ?
  • Kiera Craton:
  • Greyson Alexander Reid: ~ "From what I've heard, Grey keeps to himself and interacts with only a few people. I've also heard he thinks I'm dangerous...which is pretty funny. I don't know why he'd think that... I wouldn't harm a fly..." ~
  • Conall Harrison:
  • Aislin Sinclair: ? "Aislin Sinclair...my partner in crime, best buddy, my twin...she's almost like me in female form. We just clicked when we met, and it's been like that ever since. I'm not normally a protective kind of guy, but...if someone started fucking with her, I'd be right there if she asked me to be. I'd do anything for that bitch." ?

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Jamilyn Daily

? (Romantic Interest)|?(Friends)|? (Neutral)|? (Enemies)

Jay Springs:

Emma Nichole Scott:

Lissa Marshall:
Zachary James Milburn:

Jamie Daily: ? Really...I do have to explain this one

Logan Ritter: ? Been there... done that. Not going back....

Lewis Deacon:

Kiera Craton:

Greyson Alexander Reid:
Conall Harrison:

Aislin Sinclair: ~


Logan Ritter

? (Romantic Interest)|?(Friends)|? (Neutral)|? (Enemies)

Jay Springs:

Emma Nichole Scott:

Lissa Marshall:
Zachary James Milburn:

Jamie Daily:? Yes, We had relations once...

Logan Ritter: ? There's not the wrong with a little healthy narcissism

Lewis Deacon:

Kiera Craton:

Greyson Alexander Reid:
Conall Harrison:

Aislin Sinclair: ~

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