Tuesday, September 18, 2012

ATTENTION: Call for Nominations for 2013 D29 Awards and ...

It?s that time of year again D29 members! Read below for information and deadlines for each award.

Distinguished Psychologist Award


The APA Division of Psychotherapy invites nominations for its 2013 Distinguished Psychologist Award, which recognizes lifetime contributions to psychotherapy, psychology, and the Division of Psychotherapy.

Deadline is January 1, 2013. All items must be sent electronically.? Letters of nomination outlining the nominee?s credentials and contributions (along with the nominee?s CV) should be emailed to the Chair of the Professional Awards Committee, Dr. Marvin Goldfried, at mgoldfried@NOTES.CC.SUNYSB.EDU


Division 29 Award for Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Mentoring?

The APA Division of Psychotherapy invites nominations for its 2013 Award for Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Mentoring, which honors a member of the division who has contributed to the field of psychotherapy through the education and training of the next generation of psychotherapists.?

Both self-nominations and nominations of others will be considered. The nomination packet should include:

1) a letter of nomination describing the individual?s impact, role, and activities as a mentor;

2) a vitae of the nominee; and,

3) three letters of reference for the mentor, written by students, former students, and/or colleagues who are early career psychologists. Letters of reference for the award should describe the nature of the mentoring relationship (when, where, level of training), and an explanation of the role played by the mentor in facilitating the student or colleague?s development as a psychotherapist. Letters of reference may include, but are not limited to, discussion of the following behaviors that characterize successful mentoring: providing feedback and support; providing assistance with awards, grants and other funding; helping establish a professional network; serving as a role model in the areas of teaching, research, and/or public service; giving advice for professional development (including graduate school postdoctoral study, faculty and clinical positions); and treating students/colleagues with respect.

Deadline is January 1, 2013. All items must be sent electronically.? The letter of nomination must be emailed to the Chair of the Professional Awards Committee, Dr. Marvin Goldfried, at mgoldfried@NOTES.CC.SUNYSB.EDU

Division 29 Early Career Award

About the American Psychological Foundation (APF)

APF provides financial support for innovative research and programs that enhance the power of psychology to elevate the human condition and advance human potential both now and in generations to come.?

Since 1953, APF has supported a broad range of scholarships and grants for students and early career psychologists as well as research and program grants that use psychology to improve people?s lives.?

APF encourages applications from individuals who represent diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation.

About the Division 29 Early Career Award

This program supports the mission of APA?s Division of Psychotherapy (Division 29) by recognizing Division members who have demonstrated outstanding promise in the field of psychotherapy early in their career.?


One $2,500 award

Eligibility Requirements & Evaluation Criteria

Nominees should demonstrate and will be rated on the following dimensions:

-????????? Division 29 membership

-????????? Within 7 years post-doctorate

-????????? Demonstrated accomplishment and achievement related to psychotherapy theory, practice, research or training

-????????? Conformance with stated program goals and qualifications

Nomination Requirements

-????????? Nomination letter written by a colleague outlining the nominee?s career contributions (self-nominations not acceptable)

-????????? Current CV

Submission Process and Deadline?

Submit a completed application online at http://forms.apa.org/apf/grants/ by January 1, 2013.

Please be advised that APF does not provide feedback to applicants on their proposals.???????????


Call for Fellowship Applications ? Division 29?- Psychotherapy

The Division of Psychotherapy is now accepting applications from individuals who would like to nominate themselves or recommend a deserving colleague for Fellow status with the Division of Psychotherapy.? Fellow status in APA is awarded to psychologists in recognition of outstanding contributions to psychology.? Division 29 is eager to honor those members of our division who have distinguished themselves by exceptional contributions to psychotherapy in a variety of ways such as through research, practice, and teaching.?

The minimum standards for Fellowship under APA Bylaws are:

  1. The receipt of a doctoral degree ???? based in part upon a psychological dissertation, or from a program ???? primarily psychological in nature;
  2. Prior membership as an APA Member ???? for at least one year and a Member of the division through which the ???? nomination is made;
  3. Active engagement at the time of ???? nomination in the advancement of psychology in any of its aspects;
  4. Five years of acceptable ???? professional experience subsequent to the granting of the doctoral degree;
  5. Evidence of unusual and ???? outstanding contribution or performance in the field of psychology; and
  6. Nomination by one of the divisions ???? which member status is held.

There are two paths to fellowship.? For those who are not currently Fellows of APA, you must apply for Initial Fellowship through the Division, which then sends applications for approval to the APA Membership Committee and to the APA Council of Representatives.? The following are the requirements for initial Fellow applicants:

  1. Completion of the Uniform Fellow Blank;
  2. A detailed curriculum vitae;
  3. A self-nominating letter (which should also be sent to your endorsers);
  4. Three (or more) letters of endorsement of your work by APA Fellows (at least two must be Division 29 Fellows) who can attest to the fact that your ?recognition? has been beyond the local level of psychology;
  5. A cover letter, together with your CV and self-nominating letter, to each endorser.

Division 29 members who have already attained Fellow status through another division may pursue a direct application for Division 29 Fellow by sending a curriculum vitae and a letter to the Division 29 Fellows Committee, indicating specifically how you meet the Division 29 criteria for Fellowship.???

APA is instituting an on-line, all electronic Fellows Nomination and Submission process this year. The new system will allow the applicant, the endorsers and the Fellow Chairs to submit all of their materials online. ?Please visit APA?s website for more information: ??http://apa.org/membership/fellows/

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION:? The deadline for submission to be considered for 2013 is December 15, 2012.?

Initial nominees (those who are not yet Fellows of APA in any Division) must submit the following electronically using APA?s on-line system:

(a) a cover letter, (b) the Uniform Fellow Application, (b) a self-nominating letter, (c) three (or more) letters of endorsement from current APA Fellows (at least two Division 29 Fellows), and (d) an updated CV.?

Current Fellows of APA who want to become a Fellow of Division 29 need only send a letter attesting to their qualifications with a current CV.?

For questions about the submission process, or for guidance and advice about the application and forms, please contact:

Tammi Vacha-Haase, Ph.D.

Chair, Division 29 Fellows Committee


Phone: 970.491.5729

Incomplete submission packets after the deadline cannot be considered for this year.?

Please feel free to contact Tammi Vacha-Haase or other Fellows of Division 29 if you think you might qualify and you are interested in discussing your qualifications or the Fellow process.? Also, Fellows of our Division who want to recommend deserving colleagues should contact Tammi with their names.



Source: http://www.divisionofpsychotherapy.org/attention-call-for-nominations-for-2013-d29-awards-and-fellowships/

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