Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Daily Kos: Flight delays hit business travelers, giving Republicans a ...

As predicted, sequestration is causing flight delays, thanks to furloughs at the Federal Aviation Administration. As administration officials have repeatedly explained, because the FAA's budget is so heavily dedicated to staff, there's really no way to shift enough money around to avoid furloughs. The result, starting this weekend, included delays caused by staffing issues at John F. Kennedy, LaGuardia, and Los Angeles International Airports, at a minimum.

Republicans are predictably squealing with outrage, with RNC Chair Reince Priebus, House Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and others unleashing a series of tweets hashtagged "#ObamaFlightDelays."

So Republicans were first outraged when air traffic control towers at small airports closed because of the sequester. Now they're outraged that it's causing delays at big airports, but they still support sequestration even though apparently they think every one of its visible effects at the FAA is a partisan outrage inflicted on the nation by the president. All this selective outrage is providing an excellent example of what screwed-up priorities look like:
1 sign of inequality in USA is that of the many ways the #sequester is messing up people's lives, business travelers air delays count most.
? @jeffhauser via HootSuite Yup, pretty much. First the Republican outrage focused on White House tours. Then it focused on small air traffic control tower closures. Now, business travelers in major cities. Meanwhile, all those furloughed FAA workers are losing a big chunk of their paychecks, families are being denied housing assistance, kids are being kicked out of Head Start programs, and college students are losing financial aid and work-study funds?and Republican outrage is nowhere to be found.

9:09 AM PT: Tweeting about the Transportation Security Administration not having to furlough TSA agents in airports, John Boehner's press secretary shows that Republicans assume the president will see the world as they do and hope for bad things to happen to the country if that might mean political advantage:

Source: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/04/22/1203905/-Flight-delays-hit-business-travelers-giving-Republicans-a-new-target-for-their-sequester-whining

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