Sir Paul Holmes' body left his Hawke's Bay home to the sound of a rousing haka this morning.
A hearse destined for Auckland took Holmes from his Poukawa home, his wife Deborah, children Millie and Reuben, family and friends following sombrely behind the car.
A group of local iwi gathered at the gate to farewell Holmes as a mark of respect.
The broadcaster's brother, Ken Holmes, said the public support was overwhelming in the wake of his brother's death.
"We would like to say thank you as a family to the New Zealand public," he said, adding that the family were holding up well thanks to the support.
"Having him home with us has been a really great process for our grieving."
The family were travelling in convoy on Holmes' final road trip to Auckland.
He will lay in state available for private viewing until Friday when a service will be held at the Auckland Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Parnell at 1pm. The Anglican cathedral can accommodate 1100 people.
Holmes had previously been treated for prostate cancer and died on Friday after it returned. He had also undergone heart surgery. His poor health forced him to end his long broadcasting career in December.
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Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv/8264192/Holmes-leaves-home-for-final-road-trip
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