Thursday, December 27, 2012

ZTE Grand X passes through FCC with T-Mobile radio and branding

ZTE Grand X on T-Mobile

A revision of the ZTE Grand X (read our review) has just passed through the FCC, undoubtedly destined to land on T-Mobile. Not only does the device have FCC clearance to operate on T-Mobile's 1700/2100MHz AWS frequencies for HSPA+, but also has a nice bit of T-Mobile branding on the back. Other than the new radio and branding, we're likely looking at the same device that was released internationally a few months back -- a 4.3-inch qHD (540x960) screen, Tegra 2 processor, 5MP camera and stock Ice Cream Sandwich.

T-Mobile regularly picks up some of these less than mainstream devices, and usually ends up offering them at pretty compelling price points. The Grand X is no slouch by any means, and should be a solid mid-range offering for many customers.

Source: FCC; Via: PhoneScoop


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Keep politics to a minimum with new U.S. Attorney: James Varney ...


It won't be long into 2013 that Sen. Mary Landrieu submits to President Obama her short-list of candidates to become the next U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana. It may be a long time, however, before she makes another move so important.

It is a sad, infuriating fact that the federal prosecutors in Louisiana have so much to do, but it is a fact nonetheless. Departed U.S. Attorney Jim Letten set a high bar, managing to nail corrupt politicians and get involved in the dirtier sort of crimes, like those committed by some New Orleans Police Department officers after Hurricane Katrina.

That sort of track record shows the broad reach a talented and aggressive U.S. attorney enjoys, and it also, more lamentably, reflects the deep list of targets available in our neck of the woods.

It also means that, above all, Landrieu cannot let political considerations be her guiding principle. To be sure, it's not as if the process will ever be, or need be, politically-free. In the realm of political patronage, a job as U.S. attorney is a ripe plum. Elections have consequences, and a victorious president gets to make these calls. So no one is na?ve enough to think politics will not play a role here.

But it can't have the lead role. I mean, it's not as if a president can take office and immediately pink slip every U.S. attorney. That would look like the president had something to hide or wasn't expecting to abide by the rules in the future and thus needed to neuter the Justice Department, would it not? That's a big reason why, with few exceptions, presidents on the up-and-up take a more measured approach to picking and choosing federal prosecutors, even if they eventually get a full slate of their own men and women.

So what's Landrieu to do? One smart move would be to pick a prosecutor, not a politician. For example, two names that have already floated about have been Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro and state Sen. Karen Carter Peterson. Both have law degrees and both, as their Louisiana careers attest, are talented, adroit politicians.

But Cannizzaro is, in fact, a prosecutor; Peterson chairs the Louisiana Democratic Party. As befits the position and the situation, neither Peterson nor Cannizzaro have been publicly campaigning for the job and it's not known if either of them even wants it - although it is a hell of a job. The point is if Landrieu were to choose between two such resumes, the choice should be clear.

That difference also underscores the fact appearances matter in a job like this. Indeed, it was the appearance of Letten's office, with underlings engaged in ill conceived, if occasionally funny, online commentary more than anything Letten actually did that spelled his end. So Landrieu must not suggest, or Obama approve, someone whose key qualification appeared to be a capital letter in parentheses after their name. In that case, it would be reasonable for the public the prosecutor is sworn to protect to conclude partisan considerations trumped public safety.

That's especially true in New Orleans, where a Democratic machine has controlled the city for decades. Indeed, with few exceptions U.S. cities today are one-party fiefdoms and many of them are being, or have been, run into the ground by corrupt, intellectually bankrupt Democratic machines.

Insiders of former Mayor Marc Morial were convicted, all indications are that former Mayor Ray Nagin is squarely within the federal prosecutorial crosshairs. Former City Councilman Oliver Thomas went down, as did former U.S. Rep. Bill Jefferson. This is a long list of high-ranking Democrats, and it shows that while the next U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana will come with the imprimatur of the modern liberal establishment, party affiliation must be ignored in the execution of the office's duties.

To be sure, there will be Republicans deserving of the federal hammer around, too. Former Mandeville Mayor Eddie Price shows the GOP hasn't been vaccinated against the Louisiana political corruption virus. But the situation will be one in which, primarily, a Democrat is watching over Democrats.

Still, as outside-the-city malefactors like Price or former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard prove, the local U.S. attorney isn't only worried about New Orleans criminals. Thus, Landrieu should not be swayed unduly by local "groups," such as the unnamed one recently featured in a local television report. Vague musings about "justice for African-Americans" and complaints Letten was insufficiently diligent in pursuing unspecified allegations often act like a siren call for modern Democrats, but the constituency being served here is a broader one.

Landrieu faces her own re-election challenge in 2014. It's unlikely (though not inconceivable) her suggestions on this matter will have an impact on that race. But it's certain the choice now will have a big impact for a potentially longer timeframe, and on a great many, diverse people. All of which means that while this process is never pure, it's got to at least be played smart and straight.


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Syrian rebels fully capture town near Turkey

This Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012 image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows Syrians helping a wounded man after a government airstrike hit the Hama Suburb of Halfaya, Syria. A government airstrike Sunday on a bakery in a rebel-held town in central Syria killed tens of people, which left scattered bodies and debris up and down a street, and more than a dozen wounded were trapped in tangled heap of dirt and rubble, activists said. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video)

This Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012 image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows Syrians helping a wounded man after a government airstrike hit the Hama Suburb of Halfaya, Syria. A government airstrike Sunday on a bakery in a rebel-held town in central Syria killed tens of people, which left scattered bodies and debris up and down a street, and more than a dozen wounded were trapped in tangled heap of dirt and rubble, activists said. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video)

This Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012 image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows Free Syrian Army fighters running towards the scene after a government airstrike hit Hama Suburb of Halfaya, Syria. A government airstrike Sunday on a bakery in a rebel-held town in central Syria killed tens of people, which left scattered bodies and debris up and down a street, and more than a dozen wounded were trapped in tangled heap of dirt and rubble, activists said. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video)

Free Syrian Army fighters walk amid the ruins of a village situated a short distance from an area where fighting between rebels and government forces continues, Saturday, Dec. 22, 2012. (AP Photo/Virginie Nguyen Hoang)

(AP) ? Syrian rebels fully captured a northern town near the Turkish border on Tuesday after weeks of siege and heavy fighting, activists said.

The takeover of Harem, a town of 20,000 in northern Idlib province, was the latest in a string of recent rebel successes that include the capture of wide areas along the border with Turkey. Most of those areas have been in northern Aleppo province, where anti-government forces have captured at least three large military bases.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the rebels captured Harem in the early hours of Tuesday. Mohammed Kanaan, an Idlib-based activist, said the last post to be taken was the historic citadel, which overlooked the town. The army had turned the citadel into a military post.

"Harem is fully liberated now," Kanaan he said via Skype. He added that as the rebels pounded army posts and checkpoints in Harem, the troops withdrew to the citadel that later fell in the hands of rebels.

Rami-Abdul-Rahman, who heads to Observatory, said nearly 30 soldiers and pro-government gunmen surrendered late Monday. He added that rebels set free all gunmen at the age of 16 or less and referred others to local tribunals.

"Harem was very important because it is one of the towns that was loyal to the regime," Abdul-Rahman said by telephone about the town that is nearly a mile from the Turkish border.

In his traditional Christmas address, Pope Benedict XVI decried the slaughter of the "defenseless" in Syria, where anti-regime activists estimate more than 40,000 have died in fighting since the uprising began in March 2011.

The pope encouraged Arab spring nations, where long-serving dictators were forced to step down.

In Aleppo province, which neighbors Idlib, local activist Mohammed Saeed said rebels attacked a military base in the town of Mannagh near the border with Turkey. He said it is one of four air bases in the province.

Regime forces have been using helicopters to carry supplies to besieged areas and to attack rebel positions.

The regime has had increasing difficulty sending supplies by land to Aleppo province after rebels captured in October the strategic town Maaret al-Numan. The town is on the highway that links Damascus with Aleppo, Syria's largest city and commercial center and a major battleground in the civil war since July.

"Airplanes and helicopters are the only way to send supplies since the Free Syrian Army controls the land," Saeed said. He added that rebels are also laying a siege to Aleppo's international airport known as Nairab and threatening to shoot down military or civilians planes using it.

In the Damascus suburb of Jaramana, opposition gunmen ambushed the head of military intelligence in the area and seriously wounded him. He later died of his wounds, the Observatory said.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Rock out with Santa during the holidays with Santa Rockstar for iPhone

Rock out with Santa during the holidays with Santa Rockstar for iPhone

Santa Rockstar is a Guitar Hero-style game featuring rock 'n roll versions of popular Christmas songs and Santa Clause. You must help Santa deliver presents in the Merry Christmas Stage sled by touring around the world with the Reindeer Band. If you like Guitar Hero and Tap Tap Revolution type games, rock music, and Santa Clause, then Santa Rockstar is a must-have.

Between five different stages, two of which must be unlocked, there are 21 songs included with Santa Rockstar. There are also a lot of different guitars, picks, pedals, and amps available to boost your performance and a special Rock Power skill that helps you rack up those points.

There are four different characters available in Rockstar Santa: Santa Rockstar, Genny The Gingerbread Guitar Legend, Rudolph the Rock Lord, and Santa Jaws. Characters and other items must be purchased in the store with coins that can be earned during gameplay or bought as in-app purchases. You can also earn more coins by connecting to Facebook and sharing your scores with your friends.

Seriously, this game rocks.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

Traditions in Chad harm, kill underfed children

MOUSSORO, Chad (AP) ? On the day of their son's surgery, the family woke before dawn. They saddled their horses and set out across the 12-mile-long carpet of sand to the nearest town, where they hoped the reputed doctor would cure their frail, feverish baby.

The neighboring town, almost as poor and isolated as their own, hosts a foreign-run emergency clinic for malnourished children. But that's not where the family headed.

The doctor they chose treats patients behind a mud wall. His operating room is the sand lot that serves as his front yard. His operating table is a plastic mat lying on the dirt. His surgical tools include a screwdriver. And his remedy for malnourished children is the removal, without antiseptic or anesthesia, of their teeth and uvula.

That day, three other children were brought to the same traditional doctor, their parents paying up to $6 for a visit, or more than a week's earnings. Not even a mile away, the UNICEF-funded clinic by contrast admitted just one child for its free service, delivered by trained medical professionals.

The 4:1 ratio that you see in this sandy courtyard on just one day in just one town is a microcosm of what is happening all over Chad, and it helps to explain why, despite an enormous, international intervention, malnutrition continues to soar to scandalous levels throughout the Sahel.

The world poured more than $1 billion into the band of countries just south of Africa's vast Sahara Desert to address hunger this year alone, according to a United Nations database. A third of that money went to Chad, where 15 percent of children are acutely malnourished, says a report by aid group Save the Children. That's among the highest rates in Africa.

There are now 32 clinics equipped with the latest technology to halt starvation, most within a few hours' walk of affected families. If a child makes it to one of these centers in time, the chance of survival is remarkably high.

Yet acute malnutrition is only getting worse in the Sahel, where every year, cemeteries fill up with the bodies of children who wasted away within walking distance of help.

In 2010, 55,000 children were treated for the most acute form of malnutrition in Chad. In 2011, it was 65,000. The expected caseload for 2012 is 127,300, according to the report published in June. Overall, in the eight countries in the Sahel, the number of admissions has doubled in just three years.

One reason is that families simply do not take advantage of the safety net created for them, and cling instead to traditions that can end up killing rather than healing their children.

"We try to tell them the consequences. That these are not good treatments. That if the child has diarrhea, he should go to the hospital," says Laurent Blague, director of child protection at Chad's Ministry of Social Welfare. "Unfortunately, this is tradition."


Eight-month-old Abdallah Lamine had been sick for a month, but it wasn't until he started vomiting that his parents made the trip to the medicine man, Haki Hassane.

The mother rode a red horse, carrying her baby's hot body in her lap. She could feel the fever consuming him even through her clothes.

The remedy the healer prescribes for malnourished children is the removal of the uvula, the tiny ball of flesh that hangs from the back of the throat, which he says "gets in the way of the food." For fever, he prescribes the removal of the child's teeth.

In baby Abdallah's case he prescribed both. He grabbed the baby by one arm, placed him on the mat and pinned him down. As the child began to shriek, he dug the unwashed screwdriver into the baby's pink gums, until four tiny teeth popped out.

The healer wiped down the holes in the child's mouth with a corner of a ratty blanket, stained with the blood of the other children he'd treated that day. Then he handed the petrified, whimpering toddler to his stone-faced mother.

Tooth extraction and the removal of the uvula is common in this part of Chad. Elsewhere, the treatment for diarrhea is burning the child's anus with a rod heated over a fire. Other treatments include draining the "bad blood," a procedure recommended when children's bodies swell, a sign of severe malnutrition.

Similar practices prevailed in Europe and America as late as the 18th century. The advances in world medicine since have made their way to Chad in the form of internationally-run clinics, but they continue to be seen as foreign. More than half of Chad's people still use traditional healers, according to a survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life in 2010, whose remedies can be effective for some ailments.

Malnutrition is not one of them. Already malnourished children who have their uvula cut can't eat for at least a week, says health official Blague. When the child does eat, the open wound often gets infected. This worsens the malnutrition.

Because the infection can last several weeks, families believe their baby has simply contracted a different ailment. Chad's government has never addressed these harmful practices. The issue remains extremely sensitive, in part because the healers claim their gift came from Allah and in part because many local officials were submitted to such practices themselves when they were children, aid workers say.

Hassane says in 30 years of practice, he's never fielded any complaints from parents whose children became sicker.

"If a child has fever or diarrhea, once he opens his mouth, I can instantly tell. If I put my finger on his gum and feel it, I can tell if it's due to his bad teeth. Once we take out this bad tooth, the diarrhea stops," Hassane says. "And if the child gets sick again, it's because he had some other illnesses in his system."

Moussa Mahamat Ali, the chief of the healers in the town of Mao, the regional capital, claims that all the children who have come to him have been cured of malnutrition.

"If the child is sick ... he has yellow hair, he doesn't eat, he's skinny, it's because of the bad teeth," says the 75-year-old Ali. "This is a treatment for malnutrition. No one has ever told me that this is bad."


By the time children do turn up at the United Nations-funded centers, they have already been through hell. Nearly every week, health workers here admit dangerously emaciated children with a foamy substance coming out of their mouths.

Malnutrition is the underlying cause for the deaths of 2.6 million children every year, according to a study published in the scientific journal, The Lancet. That's a third of the global total for children's deaths.

At the feeding center in the town of Mao, run by the French aid group Action Against Hunger, a mother has come in carrying a bundle in her arms. When she pulls back the sheet, the health workers gasp. It looks like she has brought in a skeleton.

The best predictor for the severity of malnutrition is the circumference of a child's upper arm, the World Health Organization has found over years of responding to famines in Africa. Less than 115 millimeters indicates the child is at risk of imminent death.

This child's arms measure just 80 millimeters around. She weighs 5.2 kilograms (11.4 pounds), slightly more than a healthy newborn. She is 3 years old.

It takes a moment for the health workers to realize that the little girl, Fatime, has been admitted before.

Fatime's short history is a litany of the well-meant customs that get in the way of a child's health, and possibly even her life.

She was born underweight. Women in Chad, including her mother, are discouraged from eating during pregnancy, in the hope that a small child will be easier to deliver.

Fatime's mother stopped breastfeeding her when she became pregnant with her youngest child. She was told that pregnancy tainted her milk and could poison the child still nursing.

Zara Seid, the mother, collected the bitter chaff left over when women pound millet into flour, mixed it with water and painted it on her breasts. The bitter taste repelled the toddler, and she was weaned overnight.

Yet in a place where food is hard to come by, it meant that Fatime began her precipitous fall into undernourishment.

Malnutrition and disease work in a deadly cycle, and soon Fatime got sick with diarrhea and a fever. The lack of a proper diet weakens the immune system and makes childhood diseases more severe. The sick child then loses more weight, making recovery more difficult.

More than a year ago, Fatime's mother brought her into the clinic.

Like many African women, though, her mother needed permission from her husband to leave her family and stay away. And she knew he was starting to get impatient.

Over the pleas of the health workers, she left the clinic only a week after she got there. And upon the advice of villagers, she went to the traditional healer, a one-day visit instead of a three-week hospital stay.

The medicine man diagnosed the child's illness as the result of her baby teeth. He heated a blade in the fire and pulled them out.

"I thought this would bring back my daughter's health, so I took heart from that, even if it was hard to see her in pain," says Seid. "After we took out the bad teeth, it seemed like she was getting better. ... Then she got seriously worse."

It took the death of Fatime's baby cousin from malnutrition for her father to finally give her mother the permission to make a second, 1.5-hour journey to the clinic.

By the time Fatime made it to the clinic the second time, she didn't look much bigger than a fetus. Zara Seid kept her daughter wrapped in a cloth, as if embarrassed to show her body, the frightening sight of a child on the knife's edge of starvation.

Her head is bald except for a few tufts of hair. Her mouth is infected with lesions, and stained purple with the antifungal wash the nurses use daily. When she tries to drink formula, she coughs until her tiny, doll-like chest heaves.

Her legs are insect-like, unable to hold her up. They dangle, lifeless. Her arms are no bigger than a shower rod.

Flies are attracted to her, as if she is already dead. They land on her face and crawl in and out of the corners of her eyes.


These mistakes lead here, to a set of humps in the sand. There's a burial ground in every village in this part of Chad, including in Djiguere, where Fatime's cousin lies under the newest hump of sand.

The big mounds are where the adults are buried. But the majority of the piles in the cemetery are small. Some are no larger than a loaf of bread.

Fatime may or may not make it. In the week since she arrived at the feeding center, she's gained 200 grams (7 ounces).

At home in the village, her father, Mahamat Ibrahim, says he has no regrets about having had his daughter's teeth extracted. Bad teeth are to blame for a child not growing, he says.

"This is something that everyone here knows," he says. "It's only the doctors at these foreign hospitals that don't know this. And that's why we avoid taking our children there."

His youngest child is five months old. In a few weeks, her baby teeth will start coming in.

If she falls sick, he plans to take her to the healer to yank them out.


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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Rebuilding blood vessels through gene therapy

Dec. 20, 2012 ? Diagnosed with severe coronary artery disease, a group of patients too ill for or not responding to other treatment options decided to take part in a clinical trial testing angiogenic gene therapy to help rebuild their damaged blood vessels. More than 10 years later, in a follow-up review of these patients, doctors at Baylor College of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College (where the clinical trial and review took place) and Stony Brook University Medical Center report the outcomes are promising and open the door for larger trials to begin.

The study, which appears online in the journal Human Gene Therapy, followed 31 Weill Cornell patients who were diagnosed with severe coronary artery disease and were given a direct injection into their heart muscle of gene therapy called adenovirus encoding angiogenic growth factor, or AdVEGF121. Study results show the five- and 10-year survival rate of those patients were just as good and, in some cases better, than what is seen in other groups with similar heart issues treated with traditional medical therapy.

"The results of this 10-year gene therapy study are important," said co-senior author Dr. Ronald G. Crystal, chairman and professor of Genetic Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. "After long-term follow-up, the patients who received angiogenic gene therapy appear to have improved outcomes. The study results give us greater insight into the safety and effectiveness of gene therapy to rebuild blood vessels in patients living with coronary artery disease."

"At the time when the trial began, there were no comparisons available to tell us what to expect, which is why we are so pleased with the results," said co-senior author Dr. Todd Rosengart, professor and chair of the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine, formerly of Stony Brook University Medical Center. "We only had an idea of what the outcome might be based on promising studies in the lab, so there was concern, but those who received this treatment really had no other treatment options."

The common treatment for severe coronary artery disease is coronary artery bypass surgery, which works by redirecting blood flow around the diseased or blocked area of the heart. However, for those involved in this trial, the blood vessels that normally would be used to redirect the flow of blood were not healthy enough to do so.

In the study, patients were divided into two groups. Group A received both conventional coronary artery bypass grafting and gene therapy, while group B received only gene therapy. There was no control group. The gene therapy helped rebuild weak and damaged blood vessels in these patients. Medical records, follow-up interviews and questionnaires were used to determine patient outcomes. For Group A, the survival rate was 40 percent and Group B was 31 percent at the 10-year follow-up mark. Of the 18 patients who died, causes of death ranged from cancer to cardiac related issues.

"While there were health issues that needed additional treatments, such as cardiac revascularization and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators among both groups, overall this group of individuals had an outcome greater than what we believe they would have if they had not received the gene therapy," Rosengart said.

"We found no evidence of safety issues that resulted from the gene therapy," Crystal said. "Given the concerns about gene therapies during the time when this trial originated, this is one of the very few long-term gene therapy studies that is very encouraging from a patient safety basis."

According to researchers, the next step is further research to study larger groups of patients and to create a placebo control study to compare outcome results. Weill Cornell Medical College, Weill Cornell Medical College-Qatar and Baylor College of Medicine are collaborating on a new clinical trial currently in the planning stages.

Others who contributed to the study include Charleen Hollmann, Muath M. Bishawi, Michael S. Halbreiner, Matthew Fakhoury, Eileen Finnin, and Dr. Annie Laurie Shroyer, all with Stony Brook University Medical Center.

This study was funded in part by a grant from the Lisa and James Cohen Foundation and supported, in part, by the Qatar Foundation and Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Weill Cornell Medical College.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, December 17, 2012

Advice And Tips For Dealing With Individual A bankruptcy proceeding

Do not cosign on any sort of financial loan throughout or following your a bankruptcy proceeding. Because you are unable to file for bankruptcy once more for a long time, you will certainly be around the connect for the financial debt in the event the man or woman to whom you are cosigning is not able to fulfill their monetary burden. You want to do whatever you can to maintain your report nice and clean.

You may make positive changes to Chapter 13 individual bankruptcy payments in a few situations. Although your settlement amount is going to be set up for 3 to five-years, when there is a modification of your needs, you just might amend it. A reduction in earnings, like, a pay minimize, or perhaps an abrupt boost in expenditures, including, a medical condition, may possibly allow you to amend your monthly premiums. You just might lessen the payment consequently, or sometimes, suspend your settlement for a certain amount of time.

Usually do not drain your 401K or retirement program, to use the funds to get rid of debt just before filing for bankruptcy. These resources are safeguarded, so that you ought to maintain on them. If you need to, utilize them to take care of the payments for the guaranteed facial lines of credit history on the things you plan to always keep.

Established a spending budget yourself. If you are working with a bankruptcy proceeding, it?s smart to start to get your financial life so as. This will not only display the determine plus your a bankruptcy proceeding trustee that you are currently creating an attempt to change more than a new leaf, this will help to live your post-personal bankruptcy daily life in a better way than you did just before.

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If you reside in the group property state, file bankruptcy collectively with the husband or wife. Your partner is considered liable for 50 % of the obligations incurred throughout the marital life, so the individual could still get harassed by loan companies should you don?t file a joints individual bankruptcy application. When you both data file, even so, you are going to the two be safe from creditors.

After your individual bankruptcy is completed, you must get started re-constructing your credit history by, obtaining clones of the credit studies. Your records may show you declared bankruptcy, but it can take time and effort to the credit history bureaus to get rid of the very first financial debt from your credit track record. Look at the records around extensively, when there is debt demonstrating that had been released in a bankruptcy, you are able to speak to the credit rating bureaus on the internet, or perhaps in composing and ask for how the details be erased.

Inform yourself concerning the personal bankruptcy method. It is possible to improve your expertise in the bankruptcy process by conversing using an individual bankruptcy lawyer or attorney or by performing unbiased study online. Whatever strategy you decided to improve your understanding of the individual bankruptcy procedure, it is crucial that you simply realize how declaring bankruptcy will have an impact on yourself, your loved ones along with your loan companies.

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Related posts:

  1. Advice On Frank Gore Jersey Men and women Thinking of Filing Individual A bankruptcy proceeding
  2. Helpful Advice For Dealing With Individual Personal bankruptcy
  3. Moving The World Clay Matthews Jersey After Proclaiming Individual A bankruptcy proceeding
  4. A bankruptcy proceeding: Tips And Advice To Get Frank Gore Jersey A Whole New Begin
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Stylish, lost Ikea monkey held by Canadian authorities

TORONTO (Reuters) - A stylishly dressed five-month old monkey that caused a frenzy as it wandered around the parking lot of a Toronto-area Ikea store will be transferred to a sanctuary, officials said on Monday.

Police were called to the furniture store on Sunday afternoon in Canada's most populous city after the monkey broke loose from its cage and began running around a parking area.

One witness, Bronwin Page, said the animal, identified as a male Rhesus macaque, looked scared as it scurried between the ever growing crowd of people.

"We quickly realized it was a monkey wearing a coat and a diaper," Page told CBC radio. "That was pretty bizarre."

The owners surrendered the monkey, named Darwin, to authorities, who will donate the animal to an area primate sanctuary.

"He appears to be in good health," Toronto Animal Services supervisor Mary Lou Leiher told reporters.

(Reporting By Russ Blinch. Editing by Andre Grenon)


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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Video: Unemployment rate drops to four-year low

>>> new job numbers suggest the economy slowly is continuing to grow. the unemployment rate now stands at 7.7%. that is actually the lowest it's been in four years. kayla is here to help us wade through some of these latest figures. good morning.

>> good morning, erica.

>> there was some question before these numbers came out about what the impact would be on black friday, and then on the negative side, sandy. what was the outcome?

>> we thought sandy was going to pummel these job numbers in a big way. thankfully, that did not happen. where it may have had some effects is taking people out of the labor force . what that means is the jobs number, the unemployment figure is the number of people who are employed out of the number who are looking for work. many people were telling us we're devoting our time to rebuilding our lives and our homes. we're not going to look for jobs right now. we can do that after the start of the year. so we saw the unemployment rate came down, because 350,000 people took themselves out of the work force . but on the positive side, black friday was such a boom for jobs. retail singularly the biggest factor in jobs being added. 53,000 jobs in the retail space added just in november, and the good news is companies like target often keep a lot of those seasonal employees up to half and full-time so. that could could be a real nonseasonal adjustment.

>> that could be a real boost. 146,000 jobs added. there's still some talk about this being a sluggish recovery. you touched on some of those points. one of the biggest issues is the so called millennials. their unemployment numbers are much higher.

>> when you think about an 18-year-old looking for a job. we are about three years past the recession, but for the last four years when they've been in the job force able to get a job, when they've been looking, it's either been a recession or a recovery. it's really hard to change that encouragement to make teens think okay, eventually this will turn around. it puts an added burden on the parent to help pay for some of the things that teens would otherwise be paying for. the other thing is you would rather have slow and steady growth. we've had 26 straight months of jobs added. i think a lot of people forget how many jobs were actually lost during the recession. nine million jobs lost. we've only added four million back. so we still are only about halfway back to breaking even on jobs.


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Friday, December 7, 2012

Church of the Highlands to open new Greystone campus this Sunday

HOOVER, Alabama - The mammoth Church of the Highlands this Sunday is moving worship services for its Greystone campus from Greystone Elementary School to a new 50,000-square-foot building off Alabama 119.

The church, which has seven campuses spread across Alabama, has had a group meeting at Greystone Elementary School in Hoover for about 3 ? years but has outgrown the gymnasium there.

The Greystone congregation started with about 500 people attending and has grown to an average attendance of 1,000 people in three worship services, said Joshua Canizaro, the Greystone campus pastor.

Church of the Highlands bought 35 acres along Alabama 119, about a mile north of U.S. 280, and converted a vacant two-story office building into a church building. The Greystone campus is doubling its seating capacity from 375 at Greystone Elementary to 780 at the new facility, Canizaro said.

They will keep three worship services - at 8, 9 and 11:30 a.m., allowing room for growth.

"We're pretty excited about it," Canizaro said. "What has happened in our church has been a miracle ... Our vision for this area is to commit to reach folks who are far from God and help them connect in a healthy relationship."

That begins with a connection to God and expands to a connection with other people who are also seeking God and discovering their purpose in life and place of service, he said.

Canizaro, who has been with Church of the Highlands since he moved from Louisiana in 2004, has led the Greystone campus from the start.

"The community relationship has really been awesome," he said. "Hoover City Schools, as well as the faculty at the school, have really been amazing to work with."

Canizaro said he always felt the gymnasium at Greystone Elementary was ideal for a church service because the arched wooden ceiling resembles a traditional church ceiling. However, volunteers won't miss having to spend three hours each Saturday setting up a stage, seating, lights and a sound system for Sunday services and then having to take it all down afterward, he said.

Having an auditorium with a permanent stage and seating will make the meeting place feel more like a church home, said Jeff Cooke, a church member who lives in Greystone.

To make the new Greystone campus work, the church had to quadruple the parking available at the office building, up to 570 parking places, church leaders said.

The building, as originally designed, works well for a church because it had a large two-story open area in the middle that was easy to convert into an auditorium and lobby, said Layne Schranz, an associate pastor who oversees all the Church of the Highlands campuses.

Large rooms will be used for kindergarten and elementary students, and a few walls were added to create smaller rooms for the nursery and preschool children, Schranz said. Offices that were on the second floor will be used for Highlands College, a full-time, accredited college that now has about 150 students learning how to be full-time ministers, he said.

There are no adult small group meetings on Sunday mornings at Highlands campuses. Those take place during the week in people's homes and other places in the community, Schranz said. The adult gathering on Sundays is the worship service, which includes a video message from Senior Pastor Chris Hodges, simulcast live from the Grants Mill Road campus in Irondale.

But each of the seven Church of the Highlands campuses has a live band to lead in worship and a live pastor on site to welcome people, lead them and minister to them.

Cooke started attending Church of the Highlands when it was still meeting at Mountain Brook High School, before it moved to Grants Mill Road. He became more active two or three years ago and occasionally would attend the Greystone campus when he and his family were running late, he said.

He got to know Canizaro and started attending one of his small groups, and he and his family decided to make the Greystone campus their home several months ago, he said.

He had to adjust to the message being delivered by simulcast video but knew the Greystone campus was the place for his family, he said.

"I feel so fed when I'm here, and it helps me in my day-in and day-out walk," he said. "I just feel this church is alive. It's a living, breathing organism. Sometimes you just grow up in religion and you get caught up in doing what you do because you need to do it and because it's Biblical and not because you want to do it. Here, it's something I look forward to participating in, whether it's Sunday or Wednesday night services or prayer services ... You get so much out of it."

"It's one large church with different campuses, probably more for convenience than anything," Cooke said. "It's hard to reach out to an entire community when you have one location."

Church of the Highlands this past quarter averaged about 18,600 people attending its seven campuses and just before Thanksgiving had more than 21,000 people present, Schranz said.

The Grants Mill campus has close to 10,000, while there typically are 3,400 in Riverchase, 1,900 in Auburn, 1,100 in Tuscaloosa, 1,000 in Greystone, 800 in Montgomery and 400 in Woodlawn, Schranz said.

The church in February plans to open a campus at Fultondale Elementary School and has a vision for more campuses within a two-hour radius of Birmingham in the future, he said.

Growth at Church of the Highlands, which started in 2001 with 350 people attending, has made it the largest church in Alabama and one of the fastest-growing churches in the country.

People often ask how the church grew so quickly. Schranz said the church was started with prayer and fasting and that remains the core of everything they do.

"We pray and fast every January for three weeks as a church," he said. There's also a 21-day focus on prayer each August and a prayer time each Saturday, he said. "We really are desperate for God to show up."

The church's growth certainly is not due to the intellect or talent of its leaders, he said. "It has to be God. We just pray for His grace and know that He can do far more than we can do on our own," he said.

"We need the power of God. He's the one who changes lives. It's not us," he said. "We want to try to have an environment where God can touch people's lives - where his presence is real. We're just as blown away as anybody else."

Church of the Highlands is a non-denominational church but helped found the Association of Related Churches, which includes about 800 partner churches across the United States, including 299 churches that were started from scratch, Schranz said.

For more information, go to the Church of the Highlands website.

Here's a link to information about the Greystone campus.

To see more news from Hoover, go to


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