Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kids Across the Country Participate in Today's 4th Annual Exercise ...

As part of a great program called Exercise US, children from coast to coast will be creating a continuous wave of exercise for ten consecutive hours today.

Today marks the fourth annual Exercise US Day. At 8 AM (EST) schools in New Jersey kicked off the event by having the children exercise from 8:00-8:15. Once their time slot was over, schools in New York picked up the next fifteen minute slot. This pattern will be going on for ten hours today until the kids on the pacific coast finish up at 3:00 PM (PST).

This impressive wave of youth exercise was started by Len Saunders. Saunders is a physical education teacher in New Jersey and has had a long-time passion for seeing kids get healthy and fit. He is also the author of Keeping Kids Fit.

Saunders has been impacted deeply by the increasing epidemic of childhood obesity. He said,?this could be the first generation of children whose life expectancy may be shorter than their parents. With the rise is type 2 diabetes and other health-related diseases associated with obesity, children need motivational techniques that get them to exercise.?

Today?s event is just one of the ways Saunders attempts to motivate youth to get moving. ?The Exercise US program is designed to motivate children to stay fit, and make exercise fun.?

The wave has been in motion for a few hours now and Saunders said he gets feedback throughout the day as the movement spreads across the nation. If your school missed out on a time slot this year, make sure you sign up early for next year?s event. You can claim a time slot at Len?s website,

Saunders? vision is simple and attainable. Our kids need a fan and easy place to start their life of health and fitness. Fitness brings health, happiness, and even improves learning.

?Children?s lifestyles today are very sedentary, so programs like this get them up and moving. Physical activity not only stimulates the body, but also the brain.?

Hopefully your child will have been a part of this fitness wave today. If not, make sure you get them signed up for next year, or even spend just 15 minutes outside playing together tonight!

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NHL: We're still waiting for new union proposal

NEW YORK (AP) ? The rhetoric is rising, while the time before the planned start of the NHL regular season is running out.

And now it seems more likely than not that regular-season games will be canceled before the league and the players' association even get back to the negotiating table.

The sides broke off talks Tuesday after just two hours, and it was hard to find optimism anywhere that the season would avoid a major disruption ? just seven years after a full season was lost to a lockout.

"Not prepared to speculate on next steps at this point," NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly told The Associated Press in an email on Wednesday. "Obviously, we've been saying for over a month now that we would welcome a new proposal from the Players' Association. That continues to be our position.

"(It's) not a constructive position to say, 'Here's our first offer. We think it's really good. Call us back when you are ready to accept it.' That's what the union has effectively done here."

Daly also said on Wednesday that the NHL has no timetable when it will start calling off regular-season games.

The season is slated to open on Oct. 11. But with training camps on hold and all preseason games already canceled, it is hard to imagine the NHL can stick to that schedule if a deal with the players' association isn't reached in the next day or two.

With no new negotiations scheduled, that seems to be nearly impossible.

"Unfortunately, the NHL's negotiation strategy was to lock out the players as a strategy of first resort," NHLPA special counsel Steve Fehr told the AP on Wednesday in an email. "After massive player concessions during the last round of CBA negotiations, followed by seven years of record NHL revenues, the league is once again seeking enormous reductions in players' salaries, along with significant changes which would limit individual player rights.

"The players have made multiple proposals that are favorable to the owners. The owners have not made a single proposal which would give the players anything meaningful. In fact, for much of September the owners did not even want to meet unless it was on their terms."

When the sides got together on Tuesday, for the fourth time in five days, they again focused their talks on secondary issues and not the core economics that have the NHL and the union at odds.

With little to actually discuss, the meeting broke up relatively quickly and left both groups frustrated.

Daly said the league has already lost $100 million in revenues from lost preseason games. The sides are fighting about how to divide up over $3 billion in hockey-related revenues. Players received 57 percent of that pot in the previous collective bargaining agreement, and the NHL wants that number to drop under 50 percent in the new deal.

Players have offered to take a smaller cut as long as there is more revenue sharing between the richer and poorer franchises.

When Daly left the latest negotiating session, he said it "was not overly encouraging."

"We are closer by definition (to canceling regular season games)," he added. "We are focused on minimizing the damage."

Players' Association Executive Director Donald Fehr contends that the union has made proposals that move closer to the NHL's position, and that the league has moved further away from the players.

Steve Fehr disputed Daly's assessment that progress wasn't made on Tuesday.

"Talks can resume anytime they're ready," he said.


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Innovative new defibrillator offers alternative for regulating heart beat

ScienceDaily (Oct. 3, 2012) ? A new ground-breaking technology was recently used at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) where two cardiologists, Dr. David Birnie and Dr. Pablo Nery, implanted a new innovative leadless defibrillator, the subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD), to a 18 year-old patient. Under Health Canada's special access program, this was only the third time this new type of ICD had been implanted in Canada.

Conventional defibrillators, known as transvenous defibrillators, are implanted with wires, called the leads, that snake through veins into the heart. When the defibrillator identifies any dangerous heartbeat, it delivers a shock through the wires to return the heart to its normal rhythm and allows it to get back to pumping blood steadily throughout the body.

Not all patients are suitable for a conventional defibrillator. In some with congenital heart problems, there is no way to advance the leads into the heart through the veins. Also, those wires may pose a danger due to the risk of blood clots or infection. Patients often have to undergo a more complex and invasive surgery to attach the leads to the outer layer of the heart muscle in order to benefit from the use of a defibrillator

Conventional ICDs use leads that run from the device through major veins to an anchor point in the heart. These transvenous leads can cause problems in the long term. Despite decades of design improvements, leads can malfunction, break or stop working. Known as lead failure, this results in either inappropriate shocks or lack of proper regulation of the heartbeat. What's worse is that failed leads often must be removed, which poses serious risks to the patient.

What makes the new device special is that it is entirely subcutaneous. No part of it actually touches the heart. Instead, an electrode is implanted just under the skin near the heart. The defibrillator is connected to the electrode, and monitors the heartbeat at all times. If needed, it delivers a shock to the heart muscle to restore its normal rhythm.

The goal of the subcutaneous ICD is to potentially reduce or eliminate these problems. "The subcutaneous ICD provides effective therapy for patients who are either not eligible for or are at high risk with a traditional ICD. Such patients may now be able to receive protection from a subcutaneous ICD without the risks associated with the standard leads," explained Dr. Nery.

That made the 18-year-old recipient of the S-ICD at the Heart Institute a perfect candidate. "The S-ICD offers advantages for particular patient sub-groups," said Dr. Nery. "This technology is now an alternative for young patients, in part because lead extraction can be avoided down the road."

Another advantage is more aesthetic in nature but, nonetheless, important for young people. A conventional transvenous defibrillator sits on the front on the chest, just under the collarbone, and is easy to see. The S- ICD, in comparison, is implanted to the side, under the patient's arm, and with a much smaller incision than with the transvenous defibrillator. That, said Dr. Nery, is an important consideration for many patients in terms of body image and quality of life.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

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Unusual Dallas earthquakes linked to fracking, expert says

Three unusual earthquakes that shook a suburb west of Dallas over the weekend appear to be connected to the past disposal of wastewater from local hydraulic fracturing operations, a geophysicist who has studied earthquakes in the region says.

Preliminary data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) show the first quake, a magnitude 3.4, hit at 11:05 p.m. CDT on Saturday a few miles southeast of the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport. It was followed 4 minutes later by a 3.1-magnitude aftershock that originated nearby.

A third, magnitude-2.1 quake trailed Saturday's rumbles by just under 24 hours, touching off at 10:41 p.m. CDT on Sunday from an epicenter a couple miles east of the first, according to the USGS. The tremors set off a volley of 911 calls, according to Reuters, but no injuries have been reported.

Not a coincidence

Before a series of small quakes on Halloween 2008, the Dallas area had never recorded a magnitude-3 earthquake, said Cliff Frohlich, associate director and senior research scientist at the University of Texas at Austin's Institute for Geophysics. USGS data show that, since then, it has felt at least one quake at or above a magnitude 3 every year except 2010.

Frohlich said he doesn't think it's a coincidence that an intensification in seismic activity in the Dallas area came the year after a pocket of ground just south of (and thousands of feet below) the DFW airport began to be inundated with wastewater from hydraulic fracturing.

During hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," millions of gallons of high-pressure, chemical-laden water are pumped into an underground geologic formation (the Barnett Shale, in the case of northern Texas) to free up oil. But once fractures have been opened up in the rock and the water pressure is allowed to abate, internal pressure from the rock causes fracking fluids to rise back to the surface, becoming what the natural gas industry calls "flowback," according to the Environmental Protection Agency.?

"That's dirty water you have to get rid of," said Frohlich. "One way people do that is to pump it back into the ground."

In a study he recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Frohlich analyzed 67 earthquakes recorded between November 2009 and September 2011 in a 43.5-mile (70 kilometers) grid covering northern Texas' Barnett Shale formation. He found that all 24 of the earthquakes with the most reliably located epicenters originated within 2 miles (3.2 km) of one or more injection wells for wastewater disposal.

The injection well just south of DFW airport has been out of use since September 2011, according to Frohlich, but he says that doesn't rule it out as a cause of the weekend's quakes. He explained that, though water is no longer being added, lingering pressure differences from wastewater injection could still be contributing to the lubrication of long-stuck faults.

"Faults are everywhere. A lot of them are stuck, but if you pump water in there, it reduces friction and the fault slips a little," Frohlich told Life's Little Mysteries. "I can't prove that that's what happened, but it's a plausible explanation."

History of human-induced earthquakes

Oliver Boyd, a USGS seismologist and an adjunct professor of geophysics at the University of Memphis, agrees that, in general, links between wastewater injection and seismic activity are plausible.

"Most, if not all, geophysicists expect induced earthquakes to be more likely from wastewater injection rather than hydrofracking," Boyd wrote in an email to Life's Little Mysteries. "This is because the wastewater injection tends to occur at greater depth where earthquakes are more likely to nucleate. I also agree [with Frohlich] that induced earthquakes are likely to persist for some time (months to years) after wastewater injection has ceased."

For past examples of likely human-induced earthquakes, Boyd points to the story of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, a now-closed U.S. Army chemical weapons manufacturing center that operated just outside of Denver until the early '90s.

In 1961, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal drilled a 12,000-foot-deep (3,658 meters) waste fluid disposal well near Denver. According to the USGS, "an unusual series of earthquakes erupted in the area soon after."

Use of the well was discontinued in February 1966. A year and a half later, on Aug. 9, 1967, a 5.3-magnitude earthquake, the most powerful in Denver's history, struck. It was followed by a 5.2-magnitude quake in the region that November, according to the USGS.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How the mafia is destroying the rainforests

It's not as glamorous as cocaine or diamonds, but the illegal logging industry has become very attractive to criminal organisations over the past decade. A new report finds that up to 90 per cent of tropical deforestation can be attributed to organised crime, which controls up to 30 per cent of the global timber trade.

For years, environmental regulators thought that illegal logging was decreasing worldwide. But they were just looking in the wrong places, says Christian Nelleman, author of the 27 September report from the United Nations Environment Programme .

Import and export records don't tell the whole truth, he says. When the report's authors factored in the impact of sophisticated concealment techniques of the kind used by drug cartels, they discovered that rates of illegal logging have actually been rising. The criminals have become simply better at hiding their tracks. Common ploys include forging permits, hacking trade databases, bribing officials, concealing timber's true origin, and hiding illegal timber amid legal stocks.

International crime organisations that get involved in the timber trade bring considerable resources and expertise. They are attracted by both the profits and the low risk of being caught: shipping timber, unlike ivory or drugs, is not illegal.

"What we're shocked about is the sheer scale of timber that goes unaccounted for," Nelleman says. In 2008, for instance, Indonesia officially exported 18.6 million more cubic metres of wood than in 2000. This additional wood ostensibly came from legal plantations, but most of these turned out to be bogus. Loggers simply cut down forests instead.

Against this sort of enemy, what can be done? In June, Interpol established a pilot programme called Law Enforcement Assistance for Forests (LEAF). It will attempt to coordinate the efforts of police and intelligence agencies to fight illegal timber internationally.

"There will be more emphasis on catching the ringleaders and the mafia behind them," says Nelleman.

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2658445413_228a9e7e6b_zOne of the things that I usually end up doing at a bar, either after a few drinks or massive boredom, is discuss my latest favorite iOS apps. You know what I'm talking about, a bunch of nerds sitting around a few adult beverages with bright screens flickering. I'll usually say something stupid like "What do you think about the new Facebook update?" Lame, maybe. Fun, yes.


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Pranked teen shines at homecoming ceremony

Whitney Kropp, the teen who was elected to the court as a hurtful prank by classmates, attended the homecoming dance in ?West Branch, Michigan, wearing a donated dress as her entire town rallied around her. NBC's Kevin Tibbles reports.

By NBC News staff

In a red, ruffled dress and flowers in her hair, Whitney Kropp, the Michigan high school student picked by her classmates to be on her school?s homecoming court as a prank, took to her school?s football stadium Friday for the ceremony.?

?I had thoughts about not coming, but you know what, I?m glad I changed my mind and actually came out,? Kropp told NBC News.?

Kropp's appearance was met with thunderous applause and camera flashes from her fellow students at Ogemaw Heights High School in West Branch, Mich.,?and even members of the opposing team.

John M. Galloway / AP

Whitney Kropp, third from left, waits for the ceremony to begin at Ogemaw Heights High School's homecoming football game on Friday.

At Kropp?s side was Josh Awrey, the class of 2015?s male representative, the Bay City Times reported.?

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After the ceremony, Kropp, who said she had been bullied throughout her time in high school, told reporters that she was glad she decided to remain on the court.

?I?m overwhelmed," Kropp said. "I?m so happy ? this is so much right now for me. The school is fantastic they treated me so well."

'Easy target'
Kropp said last month she was initially surprised to learn that her classmates nominated her to be in the running for her school?s homecoming queen. But she said she soon felt humiliated and betrayed when she found out that it was all a joke.

John M. Galloway / AP

Sophomore homecoming representatives Whitney Kropp and Josh Awrey give each other a hug during the homecoming ceremony on the Ogemaw Heights High School football field on Friday.

?People had bullied on me, I guess, for my looks, how I did my hair, how I dress, my height, so I guess they thought, you know, maybe someone that is different is someone that?s an easy target,? Kropp said.?

But, Kropp said she pulled through with the support of her mother and the rest of the town.?

"You want to protect your kid, and you feel angry and mad at what has happened, but at the same time the outpouring to help her has been beyond expected," Kropp's mother Bernice Kropp?said.?

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Word spread quickly through the community of about 2,100 residents in West Branch.?Resident Jamie Kline started a?Facebook support page, gaining more than 4,000 likes?in Michigan and nationwide. Personal stories of bullying and messages of encouragement filled the page.

A salon owner in West Branch donated service to cut, color and style Kropp's hair, and other local businesses paid for her dinner, gown, shoes and tiara for the dance.?

Sophomore student Whitney Kropp never saw herself as part of the "in" crowd at her high school, so she was surprised to find out she was voted to homecoming court. It turned out to be a prank, but now the community is rallying behind Whitney to show their support for her. NBC's Kevin Tibbles reports.

Before the game, a local company even made T-shirts in support of Kropp in her favorite color, orange, adding to the messages of encouragement that Kropp says helped her prevail.?

John M. Galloway / AP

Kristy Erway, Hannah Gebnard, and Paige Sharp of Cadillac High School hang a banner in support of Whitney Kropps in West Branch, Mich., on Friday.

?The kids that are bullying you do not let them bring you down,"?she?said. "Stand up for what you believe in, and go with your heart and go with your gut. That?s what I did and look at me now. I?m just as happy as can be.?

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Monday, October 1, 2012

MTN sponsors Journalists to attend the 16th Annual Highway Africa conference

As part of MTN Uganda?s contribution to the profession of journalism, MTN teamed up with Ericsson to provide a four day certified training opportunity for journalists covering the telecommunications sector.

The training that brought together close to 30 media professionals was a much welcomed venture by the media. The different media houses were asked to nominate participants which they willing did as this was a worthwhile investment towards the Uganda media fraternity.

This training that has been held in a number of countries where the MTN Group operates, has been noted to enrich the quality and depth of knowledge that journalists utilize when reporting on the telecommunications sector overall.

This is the first training of its kind in Uganda and MTN intends to hold more of these trainings periodically to keep the media abreast with the global trends in telecommunications.

MTN CEO, Mazen Mrou? said ?MTN Uganda is committed to continuously invest in the community and in the media as they are our partners in development and in communication with all our stakeholders?.

Each participant was awarded an International Certificate as an "Excel Telecom Professional" at the end of the training. The certification ceremony was graced with representatives from the Ministry of ICT as well as the Uganda Communications Commission.

"I would like to congratulate each participant that has successfully completed this training. I am sure that by the end of this training, all of you that that have participated are more knowledgeable about the telecom sector as a whole", Mrou? added.

To crown off the event, Faridah Kulabako, a business reporter from Monitor Publications was announced as the lucky winner of a round trip all expenses paid trip to South Africa. She will be travelling to Grahamstown-South Africa to attend the 16th Annual Highway Africa conference that will be held from 9th to 11th September. Harriet Anena from Monitor publications and Mathias Mazinga from New Vision will also be sponsored by MTN to attend the same conference. This year?s conference will attract close to 600 delegates, the highest number since its inception- it will be themed is ?Africa Rising?.


MTN Uganda started operations in 1998 and quickly became the leading telecommunications firm in the country. By 2011, the company had accumulated close to seven million subscribers in a market that boasts of about 10 million mobile phone subscribers. MTN Uganda is part of the MTN Group, a multinational telecommunications group operating in 21 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code: "MTN". As at August 8 2012, MTN recorded 175.9 million subscribers across its operations in Afghanistan, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Cote d?Ivoire, Cyprus, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Republic, Iran, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville), Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Uganda, Yemen and Zambia.

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Orioles beat Boston, gain tie for AL East lead

BALTIMORE (AP) ? The Baltimore Orioles are tied atop the AL East with the New York Yankees with four games left, a scenario that might cause a team unaccustomed to being in a pennant race to stumble under pressure.

Not these guys.

After Baltimore beat the Boston Red Sox 4-3 Saturday night to earn a share of first place, Orioles first baseman Mark Reynolds described the mood of the team as "a quiet confidence."

"Calmness," Reynolds said. "We're playing with house money. We're not supposed to be here. We're just a bunch of kids having fun. We go out every night believing we're going to win the game, no matter what the situation and no matter who we're facing. It's just fun to be a part of."

Chris Davis hit his 30th home run and rookie Manny Machado lined a go-ahead shot in the seventh inning for the Orioles. After finishing in the division cellar in each of the previous four seasons, Baltimore (91-67) is tied with a team very much accustomed to finishing in first place.

The Yankees lost to Toronto before this game started, so the Orioles knew they would earn a share of the lead with a win. Baltimore went ahead 3-0 in the fourth, then let Boston pull even before Machado homered, a liner into the second row of the left-field seats off Felix Doubront (11-10).

Machado has been a major leaguer for all of 47 games after being summoned from Double-A Bowie on Aug. 9.

"I'm just trying to play the game," he said. "Obviously, it's bigger than any other games I've played before. I'm just going to try and go out there and give everything I can to help this team win."

It was another tight victory for the Orioles, their trademark in this unimaginable season. Baltimore is 28-9 in one-run games and 72-0 when leading after seven innings.

"It's an honor to sit there and watch it and marvel at what these guys can do, especially when certain things start snowballing," manager Buck Showalter said. "And you create your karma. These guys have done a good job of doing that, and they're expecting good things to happen."

Tommy Hunter (7-8) pitched two innings, Brian Matusz and Darren O'Day shared the eighth and Jim Johnson got three outs for his 49th save.

A sellout crowd of 46,311, a majority of them clad in Oriole orange, brought Camden Yards back to a time when the home team was a force in the AL East and the ballpark was packed on a nightly basis.

The fans got to cheer a Baltimore great before the first pitch, too. A statue of Hall of Fame third baseman Brooks Robinson was unveiled during a ceremony in the flag court beyond the center-field wall.

The Orioles' goal is to capture the division, but if they win two more games they are at least assured of their first trip to the playoffs since 1997 ? their last winning season before this year. Baltimore now is 41-27 in the division and New York is 37-31, so if Baltimore wins one more game, it will have home-field advantage if there's a playoff to decide the AL East title.

"The pressure's on both of us," Reynolds said. "Four games left, dead heat. I guess there's a possibility of two playoff games. It's what we play for, and it's fun."

In addition to hitting two homers and limiting Boston to five hits, Baltimore also played well defensively. Machado, the third baseman, ranged far to his right in the fourth inning to start a double play, and Reynolds tumbled over the tarp roll and got wedged behind it after catching a foul pop. Endy Chavez, who entered as a defensive replacement in the ninth, made a sparking diving catch of a sinking liner to right field.

"They just keeping doing what they have to do," Red Sox manager Bobby Valentine said of the Orioles. "Buck knows what he's doing. He puts in a defensive replacement and he makes a diving catch. They've done a great job with that young third baseman. He beat us tonight. He played excellent defense all year."

Jarrod Saltalamacchia homered for the Red Sox, who fell into last place with their 15th loss in 21 games. Boston has not finished in the cellar since 1992.

Doubront allowed four runs, three earned, and seven hits in seven innings. He struck out 10, walked one and hit a batter.

Red Sox leadoff hitter Jacoby Ellsbury went 1 for 4 after being sidelined since Sept. 20 with an unspecified injury. Ellsbury has only four homers and 26 RBIs after finishing second in AL MVP voting last season.

"I didn't see him play that way this year," Valentine said before the game. "He did not quite hit his stride this year."

Orioles rookie Steve Johnson took a three-hitter and a 3-2 lead into the sixth inning but was lifted after giving up a single and a walk. Hunter got Dustin Pedroia to hit a force at second, but a run came home when Cody Ross hit a sacrifice fly to right field that Davis dropped after Adam Jones drifted over from center and called for the ball. Hunter avoided further damage by getting Mauro Gomez to bounce into a double play.

Baltimore went up 1-0 in the second when Machado singled in a run after Doubront hit Davis with a pitch and Reynolds reached on a slow roller to third.

In the fourth, after Jones reached on a throwing error by shortstop Mike Aviles, Davis drove a 1-0 pitch far over the right-field wall for a 3-0 lead.

Saltalamacchia hit his 25th homer in the fifth after Gomez drew a leadoff walk.

NOTES: The Robinson statue stands alongside the team's five other Hall of Fame members, all of whom were in attendance: Earl Weaver, Frank Robinson, Jim Palmer, Eddie Murray and Cal Ripken Jr. ... Joe Saunders will pitch for the Orioles in the series finale Sunday. Zach Stewart will pitch for Boston. ... Baltimore claimed OF Steve Pearce off waivers from the Yankees. He will join the team in Tampa Bay on Monday. ... Boston has lost 17 of 24 to Baltimore since September 2011.


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Hello Beautiful:

Jilly from Philly rang our offices yesterday and chatted about Steel Magnolias, her dream role as Phyllis Hyman and the controversy surrounding Zoe Saldana in the Nina Simone biopic.

Read the whole story at Hello Beautiful

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